Books ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Here is my blog :3 I have no idea whats gunna be here but i might review books or something i really dont know

Famous Quotes:

Wow i cant wait to write a review on Bork Licks -Orion

whats the diffrence between an apple and a baby? I havent ate an apple today -Jack

Slap him harder-Avaree

Im not racist i have opinions -Nana

No please I can explain -Max.W

Black coffee is gross you have to white creamer to make it good -Orion

Apples kill you -Amit

Its not what it looks like -Max.w

No dont tell camille -Max.w


not only for little girls also for 50 year old men!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Volume 2 (My Little Pony - Heather Nuhfer, Amy Mebberson

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Volume 2 (My Little Pony - Heather Nuhfer,Amy Mebberson 

0/10 I cut my eyes out after reading this so i would never have to read things like this again.